Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fruit Craze

So my mom went crazy for fruit on her trip to Michigan this weekend with her girlfriends. And when I say crazy I mean there are only four people living in our house but we have 20 peaches, a large container of blueberries, 8 of 3 different types of plums, 3 lbs of mini tomatoes (hey, they are fruit!), a half busshel of apples, 1 watermelon, 1 cantelope, and 1 honeydew melon. All already perfectly rippened. I have to admit the fruit is the best i've had all season long and if I came along we might have gotten more.  She also came home with some local wine and sparkling juices. What does this mean? It means I have a great excuse to try out some of the fuit based desserts I've been dying to try, and wine to go with it. The cleaning guy comes today but after that I am going to make a mess in the kitchen. Can't wait. 

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